TDropPanel Copyright (c)1997 Mark Bratcher. DESCRIPTION =========== Freeware Delphi component (16- and 32-bit) which descends from a TPanel component and allows files external to the program to be dragged and dropped on the panel. An event, OnDropFiles, captures the list of path names of the files being dropped. Using the TDropPanel, any component can be made to appear to accept drag and drop files by simply placing a TDropPanel down first, then placing the component onto the TDropPanel. You can then set the component's Align property to alClient where appropriate. This is particularly useful for components such as grids, memo, edit, rich text edit, list and tree views, list boxes, database tables, and so on. If you want a form's entire client area to accept drag and drop files, just place a TDropPanel on the form before any other components are placed and set the TDropPanel's Align property to alClient. FILES ===== There are two separate ZIP files: TDPC16.ZIP - 16-bit TDropPanel component and demo TDPC32.ZIP - 32-bit TDropPanel component and demo TDPC16.ZIP contains: DPTEST.DPR - TDropPanel Demo project file DPUNIT.DFM - TDropPanel Demo form file DPUNIT.PAS - TDropPanel Demo source file DROPPANL.DCR - TDropPanel Component toolbar bitmap file DROPPANL.DCU - TDropPanel Component unit object file DROPPANL.HLP - TDropPanel Component help file DROPPANL.KWF - TDropPanel Component help keyword file TDPC32.ZIP contains: DPTEST.DPR - TDropPanel Demo project file DPUNIT.DFM - TDropPanel Demo form file DPUNIT.PAS - TDropPanel Demo source file DROPPANL.DCR - TDropPanel Component toolbar bitmap file DROPPANL.DCU - TDropPanel Component unit object file DROPPANL.HLP - TDropPanel Component help file DROPPANL.KWF - TDropPanel Component help keyword file INSTALLATION ============ To install the TDropPanel component: 1. Copy the files into a directory of your choice. BE SURE TO KEEP 16-BIT VERSIONS AND 32-BIT VERSIONS IN SEPARATE DIRECTORIES. 2a. For 16-bit, run Delphi 1.0 and select Options | Install Components... 2b. For 32-bit, run Delphi 2.0 and select Component | Install... 3. Select Add... 4. Enter the path name for the DROPPANL.DCU file (or use the Browse button to find it). BE SURE TO SELECT THE 16-BIT VERSION OF THE DCU FILE FOR DELPHI 1.0 OR THE 32-BIT VERSION OF THE DCU FILE FOR DELPHI 2.0. 5. Press OK and let the library rebuild. 6. The TDropPanel icon will appear in your 'Samples' tab of the Delphi tool bar. A help keyword file has been provided (DROPPANL.KWF) if you would like the right-button mouse help to find TDropPanel. Detailed instructions for doing this are beyond the scope of this document, but you can learn how to do this by examining documentation you have regarding the HELPINST.EXE command provided by Delphi. LICENSE TO USE ============== You may use this component freely in any program without cost or royalty as long as you give proper credit to the author in your program's README or online help. COMMENTS OR INQUIRIES? ====================== If you have questions or comments, please contact: Mark Bratcher 653 Kayleigh Drive Webster, NY 14580-2362 Fax 716/787-1077 EMail: ======================================================================